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Works in Progress

List of ongoing Additional Works sanctioned by KRC
on project line & being funded by KRC

S. No. Name of work Cost of work
(₹ in crore)
1. CTR work for 53 km in GIMB-SIOB section 142.87
2. CTR work for 80 km in SIOB-PNU section 234.00
3. Interlocking of LC No. 51/c betw. JSI-DKW 1.96
4. Interlocking of LC 22 & 23 in CDS & DISA section 3.66
5. Bhildi Running Room (extension of building) 1.79
6. Providing Additional water way at Breaches & permanent restoration on SIOB-GIM (53 km)-up line 4.65
7. Providing Additional water way at Breaches & permanent restoration on PNU-SIOB section (248 km) 54.13
8. Assisting BCM machine from km 00 to 246 and 743/0 to 762/0 with Deep Screening and other associated works in connection with deep screening of 265 km on PNU-GIM section 55.92
9. Construction of ROB in lieu of LC No. 62 Spl. At km 71/1-2 on PNU-SIOB 14.75
Total 513.73 Crore